Melanie 9.2.5 (2022.6.1.0)

Melanie 9.2.5 (2022.6.1.0) and the previous Melanie 9.2.5 (2021.11.30.0) only differ with respect to software installation components. No functional changes were made. This page therefore describes the new features, changes and fixes that were introduced in the Melanie software since the release of Melanie 9.2.4 (2021.5.20.0).

You can learn about the installation requirements and instructions for Melanie 9.2.5 (2022.6.1.0) in its Readme file. For the list of third-party materials included in or distributed with Melanie 9.2.5 (2022.6.1.0), and the notices and licenses applicable to those materials, you can read the Third-Party Material Disclosures.



  • There were a number of branding-related changes (e.g. company name, support email, installation folder, documentation, end-user license agreement, …), including changes in connection with the electronic license files. If you have a current maintenance, you should receive or request a new license file to be able to work with this release (and subsequent releases).
  • Several external libraries were upgraded and their implementation improved.

Quality control

  • The pre-defined IPG strips were renamed.

Exports and Reports

  • For Multiple stain without internal standard projects, the column Vol ratio was removed from the Spot table.

Fixed bugs

Quality control

  • For Multiple stain without internal standard projects, images could not be imported from .ds files.
  • When adding the same .ds file twice, the images were added twice to the same gel/blot.
  • Upon the first opening of images that were added to the project from a .ds file, there was an unjustified Background clipping warning (red).


  • The option Clear selected spots to pick did not work.


  • Matches were corrupted when, after deleting a spot in the Spot edition step, an Undo was applied (the issue didn’t occur with Reset/Ignore modifications). Such corrupted matches are now automatically repaired.