
Current release

The most recent, generally available (GA) release of Melanie™ is Version 9.3.0 (January 29, 2025). Please register here to receive a download link for the GA release.

You can check the Version History to learn more about the GA and previous Melanie releases. For each version, you will notably find the release notes (list of changes made in the release), the readme file (installation requirements and instructions) and the lifecycle timeline (indicating what level of support is still provided for the release). Installers for previous releases are available on request to registered customers.

Before downloading and installing Melanie, you may want to consult the following documents:

System requirements

  • Windows® 10 or 11 operating systems. To ensure maximum performance, only a 64 bit version is available.
  • Administrative privileges to install Melanie, the license server, and the license.
  • Minimum 8 GB of RAM. Increased memory enhances the performance when many and/or large images are analyzed.
  • Minimum 24-bit color resolution and 1024 x 768 screen resolution.
  • Browser to view the software documentation and access databases on the web. Recent versions of Microsoft® Edge, Google Chrome™ or Mozilla™ Firefox™ are recommended.
  • Mouse with scroll function.