MelanieTM supports both node-locked and floating (network) licenses. The following figure illustrates the two options.


Node-locked license

A node-locked license is locked to a specific computer. Melanie will only be able to run in fully functional mode on that computer.

If you choose the node-locked license option:

  • To obtain the purchased license, provide the Host ID of the computer on which you will run Melanie.
  • Install Melanie on the computer for which you provided the Host ID (with administrative privileges).
  • Place the purchased license file in the Melanie installation folder (with administrative privileges). The default installation folder is C:\Program Files\SIB\Melanie 9.

Floating license

A floating license is available (floating) anywhere on a network, instead of being tied to specific machines. It is locked to a license server host that runs the license manager daemon. Melanie will be able to run in fully functional mode on any computer that can access the identified license server. The license is “counted,” meaning that the license manager keeps track of the number of “seats” hosted by that server.

If you choose the floating license option:

  • To obtain the purchased license, provide the Host ID of the License Server host (ask your IT team).
  • Install the License Server on the host for which you provided the Host ID (with administrative privileges).
  • Place the purchased license file in the Licenses directory of the License Server installation folder (with administrative privileges).
  • Install Melanie on all computers where you want to run the software (clients) (with administrative privileges).
  • Specify the name of the License Server at the first launch of Melanie, so that Melanie knows where to find the license.

Finding the Host ID of a computer

In the case of the Melanie licensing system, the Host-ID is the Physical Address of your computer. To identify the Physical Address:

Option 1

  1. On the computer where the license file is to be placed, find the Command Prompt app using the Windows search box.
  2. In the Command Prompt window, enter ipconfig /all. There must be a space between ipconfig and /all.
  3. The response should contain several parameters for the network. Search for an adapter with a name that contains “Ethernet”. Then look for the Physical Address. It is formatted like 30-B0-34-E2-6E-A9. This is the recommended Host ID for the license. While you can use the Physical Address of one of the other adapters, you should avoid virtual adapters or devices that are deactivated in low power mode.
  4. Send the Physical Address to us so that your license can be created. Keep in mind that the Physical Address must be correctly recorded for the license file to work.

Option 2

  1. On the computer where the license file is to be placed, find the System Information app using the Windows search box.
  2. In the System Summary, click Components > Network > Adapter.
  3. In the list of adapters, search for one with a name that contains “Ethernet”. Then look for the MAC Address. It is formatted like 30:B0:34:E2:6E:A9. This is the recommended Host ID for the license. While you can use the MAC Address of one of the other adapters, you should avoid virtual adapters or devices that are deactivated in low power mode.
  4. Send the MAC Address to us so that your license can be created. Keep in mind that the MAC Address must be correctly recorded for the license file to work.