Version History

The following table shows all Melanie™ releases since version 8.0.0 (2015.12.23.0).

  • Click the version number to discover the new features, changes and fixes included in that particular version. You can also refer to the installation requirements and instructions that came with the version (Readme file).
  • Find out what type of support you can expect for a given version by determining its current lifecycle phase. More information about lifecycle phases and support types can be found in our Lifecycle and end-of-life policy below.


A number of links mentioned on this page or site – in particular those pointing to the Installation file, Readme file, End User License Agreement and Melanie Support terms – only apply to software versions obtained directly from SIB. If you purchased Melanie elsewhere, ask your vendor for the applicable material.

To download the latest, generally available (GA) release, view the Download page.

Melanie Version Release Date End of
End of

9.3.0 (2025.1.23.0) – GA 2025-01-23 2027-07-23 TBD Standard 10 / 11
9.2.6 (2024.5.28.0) 2024-05-28 2026-11-28 2028-01-23 Standard 8 / 10
9.2.5 (2023.4.6.0) 2023-04-06 2025-10-06 2027-05-28 Standard 8 / 10
9.2.5 (2022.6.1.0) 2022-06-01 2024-12-01 2027-05-28 Limited 8 / 10
9.2.5 (2021.11.30.0) 2021-11-30 2024-05-30 2027-05-28 Limited 8 / 10
9.2.4 (2021.5.20.0) 2021-05-20 2023-11-20 2024-11-30 No support 8 / 10
9.2.3 (2020.5.12.0) 2020-05-12 2022-11-12 2024-05-20 No support 8 / 10
9.2.2 (2020.4.1.0) 2020-04-01 2022-10-01 2023-05-12 No support 8 / 10
9.2.1 (2019.11.7.0) 2019-11-07 2022-05-07 2023-04-01 No support 7 / 8 / 10
9.2.0 (2019.6.13.0) 2019-06-13 2021-12-13 2022-11-07 No support 7 / 8 / 10
9.1.1 (2018.4.5.0) 2018-04-05 2020-10-05 2022-06-13 No Support 7 / 8 / 10
9.1.0 (2018.3.27.0) 2018-03-27 2020-09-27 2021-04-05 No Support 7 / 8 / 10
9.0.0 (2017.8.10.0) 2017-08-10 2020-02-10 2021-03-27 No Support 7 / 8 / 10
8.0.1 (2016.7.6.0) 2016-07-06 2019-01-06 2020-08-10 No Support 7 / 8 / 10
8.0.0 (2015.12.23.0) 2015-12-23 2018-06-23 2019-07-06 No Support 7 / 8 / 10

The date format used is YEAR-MONTH-DAY.


Older Melanie versions not listed should be assumed as past Limited Support. Projects created with such older versions are not compatible with – and cannot be converted to – the Melanie versions listed in this table. Nevertheless, the images from such older projects can be used as input for analysis with a newer Melanie version.

Lifecycle and end-of-live policy

To allow customers and partners to plan, deploy and support Melanie effectively, SIB defines, for each Melanie version, several phases in its lifecycle during which different types of support are available. SIB provides this lifecycle for transparency. It aims to offer consistent and predictable guidelines for support during the life of a given Melanie version. However, SIB may make exceptions from this policy if conflicts arise.


Support (including support types specific to these lifecycle phases) is provided to customers with a current maintenance or lease term, as set out in the End User License Agreement and Melanie Support Terms.

Lifecycle phases

  • Standard Support is available for 30 months from the release date of a Melanie version.
  • Limited Support extends to 36 months after the release date of the next Melanie version.

Support types

Type of Support Standard Support Limited Support Beyond End of Support
Online training Available Not available Not available
Enhancement requests Such requests are delivered in a future planned release at SIB’s discretion. Enhancements are not back-ported to old releases. Not available Not available
Issue resolution SIB aims to prioritize updates for critical issues* in the next release, but may, at its own discretion, produce an update for a critical issue as part of a point release on the GA version. For non-critical issues, the update will be prioritized relative to other issues, enhancements and features. Defects or errors in an old release will be solved either via workaround or by upgrading to the GA release. At SIB’s discretion, a hotfix on a Limited Support release may be delivered to fix a critical issue*, provided that every possible avenue for upgrading to an updated Standard Support release has been exhausted by the customer. Not available
Problem investigation Available Available Available**
Help with software keys and licensing Available Available Available**
Access to the installation files (including documentation) Available*** Available*** Available ***

* A critical issue is a defect present in the GA release for which there is no suitable workaround and which materially prevents the use of Melanie.

** SIB will offer commercially reasonable support. This excludes the options to engage SIB’s product development resources or to require SIB to reinstall hardware or operating environments that are no longer supported by their maker.

*** Via registration for the GA version, or on request for older Melanie versions.